
Cantate d’Aubépine -Chanciano Biennale 2018


A  spring gate

To  seal the glorious feeling of  seing some very first blooms  through my window

To let  the delicate, ephemeral , hawthorn blossoms  fly, forever

To walk again, as a child,  down the lane to a quiet   lake near by,

 To celebrate the innocence, freshness, purity of all new life,

To hear and see nature’s beautiful rhythms and  musics

To  weave my canvas like a fabric of vibrations, a  danse

My very soul’s flesh, my belonging ,my heart’s all seasons.

Within my soft breath ,my silence, my stillness.

Tenderly ,

Béatrice Cofield.


Children enjoy discovering art as a language . They achieve suddenly, spontaneously, a free flight of  expression, a remarkable line control  when given a starting point, some very few but precise keys such as the awareness of their  own emotion, of how  to  project them through their wrist,  through a tension or flow in their whole body.

Every child is a master, an artist, a poet, a scientist.

When we listen to young children, they listen to us and  to the world surrounding us.

  When  adults engage them lovingly  ,  in expressing their feelings, their choices, in their own natural pace, they all find and open overwhelming floodgates of creativity .

Here are the co-creations of some very young children celebrating spring  and it’s music with me :

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 A stream of music , in the spirit of Bridget Riley, aged six. She was taught music by her parents, professional musicians. A timeless, gentle mirror of infinity.



I picked these flowers in the garden – pastels and pen on stone leaf. Camille aged Two and half.

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I picked these flowers in the garden.Gaby aged 4. On stone leaf with pastels and pens.



Dragons by Gaby and Camille aged 2and hald and four. One stone leaf.



Through multisensory experiences, an interaction between generations and the arts, children become  curious and eager to learn in all fields of life, wanting to meet their dragons in a science museum, inventing stories where science, fiction and poetry mingle naturally.


Béatrice Cofield@allcopyrights reserved.



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